As everyone knows, aside from death and taxes, rent is right up there on the list of the inevitable things in life for younger people. The way some of these residents act, however, you’d think they’d never heard of paying rent in their life. They are late, they don’t have it all, they beg for more time to pay, etc … and that’s exactly the type of guy Charlie Bronson is. He refuses to get a job, and the little money he gets a hold of he seems to spend on video games and over-priced protein powder. It’s amazing that after all the House Managers at the Boys Halfway House do for these guys, they just don’t see the value of keeping their financial commitments more secure. Anyway, they told him if he didn’t pay regular rent, they would have to work something else out for payment, and he is wise enough to know exactly what that meant! This week is pay week, and Charlie soon finds out that paying rent like this turns out to be more painful than he anticipated!